Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cambodians Face Threat of Drug-resistant Malaria

August 25, 2009
The Online NewsHour
Public Broadcasting System

Drug-resistant malaria is threatening villages in western Cambodia. NewsHour special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro reports from the border region of Cambodia and Thailand.
GWEN IFILL: Now, a story about the threat of drug-resistant malaria. Special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro reports for our Global Health Unit from the border region of Cambodia and Thailand.
FRED DE SAM LAZARO, NewsHour correspondent: In the forests along Cambodia's border with Thailand, scientists have spotted early signs of drug-resistant malaria that could threaten millions of lives far beyond these isolated villages. But their first challenge is finding patients.
It took nearly two hours for a team from the regional center in Thasanh to reach the village of Samlot, which has seen several dozen malaria cases in recent weeks.
"Is anyone you know ill," they asked? A short walk down the road took them to 22-year-old Pin Sreymom. She was too weak to work the family's small farm field.
DOCTOR (through translator): Have you been vomiting?

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