Sunday, September 13, 2009

Child labor: The US black list

Child labor in Cambodia: Children used in brick kilns
11 September 2009
Source: Cambodge Soir Hebdo
Translated from French by Tola Ek for KI-Media
Click here to read the article in French

The international office of the US Labor Department issued a list of products, including their country of origin, that are produced through forced labor or child labor.
The black list contains 122 products originating from 58 countries. The goal of the publication is to sensitize the public to the problems faced by those who are subjected to forced labor, both adults and children, in order to influence the public consumption behavior.
This black list points out Cambodia for 4 products: salt, brick products, shrimp farming and fishing and rubber. The US and Cambodia collaborate with each other intensively for several years now in order to reduce child labor. As always, progress on this issue is slow while displaying some encouraging sign. The main goal is to lower the number of working children, aged 5 to 17-year, to 8% by 2015.

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