Monday, September 14, 2009

Thai soldiers burnt one Cambodian alive and seriously wounded another one

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Source: Deum Ampil newspaper
Reported in English by Khmerization

A group of Thai soldiers, parachuted from a helicopter, have reportedly shot at 12 Cambodians, wounding two, of which one was burnt to death alive.
Mr. Chhin Sivuthy, director of Inspectorate of Ouddor Meanchey province, said the 12 Cambodians went foraging for food and to work to remove logs for Thai traders in the border areas. Suddenly on the morning of 11th September, a Thai helicopter from Forestry Department flew over the areas and dropped a group of soldiers. The soldiers immediately began shooting at the Cambodians, wounding two. One wounded Cambodian, 18 year-old Mao Kloeng, has been rescued by his friends, while the second wounded person, 16 year-old Yon Rith was arrested and reportedly burnt alive. "In the crackdown, two Cambodians were seriously wounded. One was rescued back into Cambodian territories by his friends, but unfortunately the second person, who was unable to escape, was arrested by Thai soldiers. They poured petrol over his body and burnt him alive", he said.
Mr. Chhin Sivuthy said that after the Thai shooting, 50 Cambodian border soldiers rushed to the scene to help those Cambodians attacked by the Thai soldiers. They found the almost unrecognisable charred body of 16 year-old Yon Rith in the areas.
Mr. Chhin Sivuthy added that during the search for the Cambodians who have been attacked by the Thai soldiers, those 50 heavily armed Cambodian soldiers found 6 houses built by Thai soldiers in the areas considered "disputed". The Cambodian soldiers demanded the Thai soldiers to dismantle those houses and move out of the areas by Monday 14th September. If not, they will launch the attack.

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