Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sihanouk in bad physical shape: Says who?

Please click on the email in French to zoom in
Translated from French by Alain de Veng for KI-Media
Email from HRH Samdach Krom Preah Norodom Ranariddh to their Majesties
Very revered Maman,

My humble person sincerely dares hope that this message will find very revered Papa and Maman and adored Luong Aun [King-Brother] in great physical and moral shape. Would very revered Maman be kind enough to bring to the knowledge of very revered Papa the following:
“Very revered Papa,
Kh-nhom Srey [Your female servant, i.e. Uk Phalla, Ranariddh’s mistress] and my humble self had the immense joy of receiving two (2) Royal Singing dvds (Beijing, December 2010) which were long awaited for. We, including the young Sutha [Ranariddh’s son with Uk Phalla], watched them immediately. In all sincerity, we were subjugated and profoundly in awe. With your highest authorization, please allow me to make the following comments:
  1. The interpretation: Very revered Papa was very remarkable, in all aspects. Your voice: much stronger and beautiful! Not a single false note. Gestures that are both dignified, simple and noble. Very humble but with emotion: A BIG BRAVO! And what physical shape [you have]!
  2. The repertoire: A judicious choice of songs. A happy mix of “immortals”. So many good souvenirs, so many joy while listening to them. It’s magnifique.
  3. The musical arrangement: It was already very good last time. This time around, it is impeccable! The musicians were in perfect unison along with the “very big Singer [Sihanouk].” In my humble opinion, the two saxophone players and the flute player have distinguished themselves. The others did not lose their merits, quite to the contrary.
  4. The costume: no comment. It was sober and elegant.

In conclusion: Such “Royal singing” of this (very high) quality, people are asking for more of them!

Kh-nhom Srey and my humble person are asking Papa to present to very revered Maman the expression of our very respectful and sincere gratitude for the logistic needed to allow the production of this great “Royal Singing”.

The young Sutha, who surprisingly listened to the dvds, and Kh-nhom Srey are very happy to join my humble person top present to very revered papa our deepest and most respectful gratitude and our greatest admiration.

From me: Norodom Ranariddh

Kh-nhom Srey is very happy to join my modest person to present to very revered Maman our most fervent wishes of great health, as well as the faithfulness of our always deferent, admiring and grateful feelings.

From me: Norodom Ranariddh
Kuala Lumpur, 08 March 2010

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