Monday, April 5, 2010

Coziness between the neo-communist and the revisionist monarchist: A marriage of convenience

(Photo: Sovannara, RFI)
(Photo: AP)
Renewed coziness between the palace and the government

03 April 2010
By Pen Bona
Source: Radio France Internationale
Translated from Khmer by Komping Puoy for KI-Media
Click here to read the article in Khmer

Immediately after his return to Cambodia on Wednesday, King-Father Norodom Sihanouk gave a royal authorization to PM Hun Xen and his family to come and prostrate to him in the royal palace. In that meeting, Hun Xen and Sihanouk showed their intense coziness, and the event was also accompanied by speeches expressing their unwavering support for one another. This coziness has improved the relationship between the government and the royal palace, this after past differences that took place between the pair.
One day after his arrival in Phnom Penh, King-Father gave the royal authorization to PM Hun Xen and his family to come and prostrate to him in the royal palace. The meeting, which can be viewed on Friday’s evening broadcast of the TVK station, showed the intense coziness between the prime minister and the former monarch. Such coziness was never seen in the past few months because the ex-king was outside of the country.
Hun Xen claimed again that he and the children from the next generations are determined to defend the throne and the monarchy with unwavering loyalty. In response, the 84-year-old ex-king praised Hun Xen’s leadership, which he described as: “victorious in all fields.”

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