Friday, November 26, 2010

Cambodia gov't revises down death figure of stampede to 347

A Cambodian police officer stand near the bodies of stampede victims as relatives watch at Preah Kossamak Hospital in Phnom Penh November 23 , 2010. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)
PHNOM PENH, Nov. 25 (Xinhua) -- The latest statement by the sub-committee for urgent settlement on the Diamond Island bridge accident Thursday morning revised the death toll figure of the major stampede to 347, a big drop from the previous 456.

The statement, signed by the chairman of the sub-committee Ith Samheng, who is also the minister of social affairs, said the previous figure of death toll was incorrect due to some overlap in the statistics.

This is a major amendment for the death toll figure of 456 provided by the same sub-committee Wednesday afternoon.

By 00:30 a.m. on Thursday, after verification, 347 were dead in the stampede, of which 126 men and 221 women, said the latest statement.
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