Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Two killed by tropical storm Mirinae in Cambodia: official

PHNOM PENH, Nov 3, 2009 (AFP) - Tropical storm Mirinae killed a mother and daughter as it swept through eastern Cambodia, government and aid officials said Tuesday.
Mirinae, which battered the storm-weary Philippines as a typhoon at the weekend, was downgraded to a tropical depression before it hit Vietnam and then Cambodia on Monday.
Four other family members were injured when the storm struck northeastern Mondulkiri province Monday evening and toppled a tree on the family's thatched house, provincial vice-governor Svay Sam Ieng told AFP.
"The mother and one of the four daughters were killed while the father and other three daughters have been sent to hospital by the Red Cross," he said.
The storm also left 19 dead in the Philippines and killed at least four people in Vietnam.

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