Friday, January 1, 2010

Please hep sign the online petition for the right of self-determnation for Khmer Krom people

The right to self-determination of the Indigenous Khmer Krom Peoples
(United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1541(XV) of 15 December 1960 and United Nations General Assembly Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of 13 September 2007 )
By virtue of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1541(XV) of 15 December 1960, the Indigenous Khmer Krom Peoples have three options to choose for their right of self-determination or self-government as follows:
  1. Free association with Viet Nam, the administering Power that means to self-govern in free association with Viet Nam and thus to become Vietnamese citizens;
  2. Integration with Viet Nam, the administering Power that means to integrate into Viet Nam and thus to become also Vietnamese citizens; and
  3. Independence that means want to become fully sovereign and fully independent people from Viet Nam.
And by virtue of article 3 of the United Nations General Assembly Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of 13 September 2007, the Indigenous Khmer Krom Peoples have the right to freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
Now, Therefore the Indigenous Khmer Krom Peoples who are the legitimate and rightful owners of their ancestral homeland, Kampuchea Krom territory or southern Vietnam, formerly French Cochin China, have their full and legitimate right to freely choose one of the above forms or models of self-determination for their self-government in accordance with the international laws.
This petition will serve as taking a survey of all Khmer Krom people’s political status or models of self-determination or forms of self-government where all Khmer Krom people inside Kampuchea Krom territory, all overseas Khmer Krom people, all Khmer Krom people in Cambodia and everywhere around the world, and all Khmer people in general can vote for either option number 1, option number 2 or option number 3(independence) for their self-government in strict conformity with the above UN GA Resolution of 15 December 1960 and UN GA Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of 13 September 2007. This petition-survey will be sent to the United Nations to urge them to honor the will of the Indigenous Khmer Krom Peoples regarding their free choice for their self-government option in accordance with the international laws.
We urge all Khmer Krom people everywhere in the world to sign this petition-survey with their full name accompanied by either option number 1, option number 2 or option number 3 at their own freewill without external compulsion.
Made in Saint Paul, the Capital of the State of Minnesota this 28th day of October in the year of our Lord, two thousand nine.

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