Monday, March 8, 2010

Amnesty International: Cambodia Must Act Against Rapes, Sex Crimes

07 March 2010
By Robert Carmichael, VOA
Phnom Penh

Amnesty International says rape and sexual crimes committed mainly against women and children has become a growing problem in Cambodia.
To mark the 100th International Women's Day, the human-rights group Amnesty International is releasing a report on the scourge of rape and sexual violence in Cambodia.
Amnesty's report, called Breaking the Silence, criticizes what it says is a culture of impunity, corruption and indifference to victims of sexual violence. The result is justice denied for Cambodian women, and increasingly for Cambodian girls.
During its research, Amnesty interviewed 30 victims of rape, as well as 50 non-government aid workers, police and government officials, and even a number of perpetrators. Brittis Edman, who wrote the report, explains its focus.

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