Thursday, March 11, 2010

El Nino May Hit Rice Crop

MARCH 10, 2010
The Wall Street Journal

SINGAPORE -- An El Nino climate event is likely to affect the upcoming spring rice harvest in Southeast Asia, and if it persists, it could adversely affect the much bigger 2010 autumn crop as well, a senior scientist at the International Rice Research Institute said Wednesday.
El Nino conditions are typically associated with above average sea temperatures and usually but not always linked with below normal rainfall in many areas of the Asia-Pacific region. Due to the current El Nino, many parts of southeast Asia are currently witnessing unusually dry weather, sparking concerns about the upcoming harvest and summer plantings.
"The dry season rice harvest in Southeast Asia during April and May is expected to be affected by El Nino, and this can push up prices," Bas Bouman said at an international seminar here.
Close to 30% of the rice production in Southeast Asia is from the spring harvest.

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