Sunday, March 14, 2010

If only he practices what he preached ...

Excerpt from Sihamoni’s speech given during his induction to the “Académie des Inscriptions et Belles –Lettres” (Academy of Humanity)

12 March 2010
Translated from French by Tout Louse Laut Rek for KI-Media

The veneration of the temples and the scrupulous respect of the high places of spirituality are ancient tradition in our family. Today, upon entering the temple of knowledge and consciousness, we reserve our first words to express our gratitude. Let thanks be made to all academicians who were willing, through their votes, to make a “Norodom” one of their peers! In reality, the recognition in which the Academicians honored us with is in large part due to the prestige of our Father [Norodom Sihanouk]. Upholding a double challenge on truth and freedom, His Majesty Nordom Sihanouk would in effect be the Bandung Man in 1955 and the host of General de Gaulle in Phnom Penh in 1966. Alongside our Father, who was involved in history-making, we learnt never to succumb to despair. Therefore, when the times are marked by the iron of tyranny, we definitely knew that dignity of the human conditions lies in the rejection of servitude and of paths leading to dishonor.

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