Sunday, March 28, 2010

Inundated Lake Villagers Worry as Rains Approach

By Men Kimseng, VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
23 March 2010

Worried residents near Phnom Penh’s Boeung Kak lake say landfill from a private developer has blocked the area’s drainage, leaving them flooded in putrid water even before the rainy season has begun.
Authorities say they are looking into the problem, but that development of the lake will continue.
Village 3, located along the capital’s Russian Federation Blvd., in front of the Council of Ministers, has undergone flooding since late 2009, when a developer started filling the lake, and residents now say and they are facing health issues.
“In some homes, [water] comes up to the knees, flooding their houses,” said Eang Vuthy, an official with Bridges Across Borders Southeast Asia, a group monitoring the area.

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