Monday, March 8, 2010

A tribute to Cambodian Women on the International Women's Day

Young Cambodian girls who are victims of forced eviction
A mother and her donated wheelchair
Cambodian "Beer Girl" worker
Cambodian sex workers protesting their condition
Trafficked Cambodian girls
Women participating in election campaign
A young woman displaying her political preference
Cambodian women demonstrating in Ottawa, Canada
Cambodian women blogging their opinions
Cham ethnic minority women
A mother producing palm sugar under he daughter's watchful eyes (Photo: AP)
A woman working in the rice field (Photo: AP)
Cambodian women factory workers
Factory workers demanding for better pay
Factory workers protesting
Women celebrating Pchum Ben
Women waiting to vote (Photo: AP)
Women attending Silika's conference on Women and Politics
Women in rural areas
A woman losing her house in Dey Kraham (Photo: SBS Australia)
A Cambodian woman and her child begging in Bangkok (Photo: Rafael D. Frankel)
Cambodian women at Stung Meanchey garbage dump
An ethnic minority woman in Mondulkiri
A young Cambodian woman speaking (Photo: The Phnom Penh Post)

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