Thursday, March 11, 2010

UN encourages effective parliamentarian and public discussion of the draft Anti-Corruption law and any future law as a normal part of any legislative

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The UN country team in Cambodia welcomes the consideration by the National Assembly of the long-awaited Anti-Corruption law. It notes with concern that an extra-ordinary session was convened only days after the draft was shared publicly with parliamentarians. To its knowledge, no draft law has been shared with interested stakeholders, including civil society, since 2006.
The UNCT has been actively supporting the enactment of this significant piece of legislation since 2004. The draft Anti-Corruption law should undergo a transparent and participatory consultation process to ensure that it is consistent with international standards as required by the Constitution and contain sufficient safeguards to protect the rights and duties of Cambodian people who will be the ultimate beneficiaries of this law.
Given the high interest manifested for this law by many stakeholders, the UNCT hopes that it is not too late, and encourages the National Assembly to allow sufficient time for Parliamentarians, civil society, donors and the UN to study the law so that if and where deemed necessary, amendments may be proposed for consideration. The UNCT also hopes and encourages the National Assembly and the Senate to debate the law, with the possibility to amend the draft if and where considered relevant. It is in the interest of the legislative, and its positive contribution to the reconstruction effort, that this and future legislations are effectively debated both inside and outside parliament prior to adoption. UN
For further information, please contact:
Margaret Lamb, (855) 023 216 167, ext. 124, mobile 012 707 457, Email:

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