Friday, March 12, 2010

Women Lobby US Reps to Help Children

By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
11 March 2010

At least 250 women from 30 US states gathered in Washington Tuesday, moving from office to office of members of Congress and lobbying them to do more to fight child trafficking and high mortality of children and mothers.
The group, Women of Vision, which is part of US World Vision, wants to see the passage of bills on both issues in the Senate.
“We need women from individual constituencies to lobby their representatives to additionally support the bills,” said Haidy Ear-Dupuy, communications manager for World Vision in Cambodia.
Group members had brief meetings with congressional staff members, informing them on the issue of trafficking, including in Cambodia, where many parents fall prey to traffickers in desperate attempts to escape poverty. Cambodia remains on a US watch list of countries that should be doing more to combat the crime.

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