Thursday, August 26, 2010

STOP Cambodian American Refugee Deportations, Family Unity Campaign Summer 2010

Targeting: The President of the United States, The U.S. Senate, The U.S. House of Representatives, ... The President of the United States, The U.S. Senate, The U.S. House of Representatives, John Morton (DHS Assistant Secretary) and Janet Naplitano (DHS Secretary)
Started by: DE GUERRILLA

This petition is to raise awareness of the climate of Fear and Paranoia that Immigration & Custons Enforcement (ICE) has created in Cambodian-American communities across the United States, AND to call attention to the 47 Fathers, Husbands, Brothers, and Community Leaders recently torn apart from their families, to be deported at the end of August, and in September.

These Refugees have been residents in America since before they were 12 years old, and have very little memories of Cambodia. Many are unfamiliar with the language and culture of Cambodian society. Unjustly deporting these Refugees will drive them and their U.S. Citizen families into poverty.

Since the passage of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA) and the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRAIRA), both in 1996, deportations have increased exponentially. These laws replaced a DESCRETIONARY SYSTEM with a MANDATORY DETENTION & DEPORTATION SYSTEM, and expanded the grounds of Deportation to include MINOR OFFENSES. The 1996 laws are also RETROACTIVE. All 47 Khmer-American Refugee detainees have ALREADY SERVED TIME for PAST crimes. HOWEVER under current immigration law they are "Criminal Aliens" and are deportable. This is INHUMANE & UNJUST. DOUBLE PUNISHMENT IS NOT THE ANSWER!

The community is stepping up and demanding CHANGE! It is 2010 and detentions and deportations are dramatically increasing. We must act NOW for LOVE, JUSTICE, and FAMILY UNITY!

Join us! Take action and make a difference! Join the Family Unity Campaign! STOP the Deportations of Cambodian American Refugees!

Sign the Petition and Call your Local Representatives, President Obama, and the Department of Homeland Security. DONT FORGET TO SPREAD THE WORD! For more info - Visit WWW.DEPORTEDDIASPORA.ORG
  • This petition ENDS on WEDNESDAY August 25! Please ask your family, friends, and co-workers to sign this petition! Join us and lets make our voices heard! There is great power in numbers... Get as many signatures as you can!!!!
  • ATTENTION If you are PRINTING this petition to collect signatures! The drop off date for signatures will be on Wednesday evening and will be open until 10PM. Location TBA, but will be in Lowell, Lynn, and Boston.
  • FROM ANOTHER CITY? Contact us we will make sure we get your printed copies if needed. Please remember that Hand-Signed signatures need to be legible and REAL names address must be provided. Duplicate signings will be removed.

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