Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cambodian Court sets no date trial of seven Thais detained for illegal entry

BANGKOK, Dec 31 (MCOT online news) - The Phnom Penn Municipal Court has not set a date for the trial of seven Thais who were detained by Cambodian troops Wednesday as they inspected the border of Sa Kaeo province and Cambodia's Banteay Meanchey province, according to Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Thani Thongphakdi.

The seven, including Democrat Party member of parliament Panich Vikitsreth, and members of the so-called 'Yellow Shirt' People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) protest movement, were charged by the Court with illegal entry and illegally entering a military base along the border, crimes carrying penalties of up to six months and one year, respectively.

Mr Thani, Director-General of the Department of Information, said that the Thai side must wait for the Court to set a date for trial and then file petitions seeking bail for them.
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