Tuesday, January 4, 2011

More border gates to open [from Vietnam] to Cambodia

Mon, Jan 03, 2011
Viet Nam News/Asia News Network

CAN THO - Viet Nam and Cambodia have agreed to open four more border gates for road transport between the two countries in 2011.

The new border gates that will open next year are: Xa Mat -Trapeing (Tay Ninh and Kampong Cham provinces); Le Thanh - Oyadav (Gia Lai and Andong Pich - Ratanakiri provinces); Hoa Lu - Trapeang Sre (Binh Phuoc and Snoul-Kratie provinces); and Bu Prang - O Raaing (Dak Nong and Mundulkiri provinces).

The new border gates will bring the number of entry points for road transport between Cambodia and Viet Nam from three to seven, according to figures released at a meeting to review the implementation of the agreement on Road Transport between the two countries held in the Mekong city of Can Tho on Monday.

The three border gates currently under operation for road transport between the two countries are: Moc Bai - Bavet (Tay Ninh and Svay Rieng provinces); Tinh Bien-Phnom Den (An Giang and Takeo provinces); and Xa Xia - Prek Chak (Kien Giang, Lork and Kam Pot provinces).

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