Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Seven Thai men and an unnecessary provocation [-Thai ploy at work]

By Veera Prateepchaikul
Bangkok Post

Democrat MP Panich Vikitsech and his six teamates only have themselves to be blamed for their foolhardy adventurism into Cambodian territory.

What would you do with Panich Vikitsech, Democrat MP for Bangkok, if you were the Democrat party leader?

My answer is that I would fire him as a party member for the simple reason that his mission to the Thai-Cambodian border in Sa Kaew province purportedly to investigate a complaint by local villagers of intrusion into Thai territory by Cambodian forces was thoughtless or, in plain words, stupid. Not to mention the doubtful claim made by People’s Alliance for Democracy spokeskan Panthep Puapongpan who quoted Panich as telling another PAD member, Thepmontri Limpapayom, that the border inspection was organized at the order of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

Was Mr Abhisit so innocent to endorse such a thoughtless mission by a Bangkok MP who is a total stranger to the territory in question that he had to seek help from PAD members?

I doubt it. The prime minister has all the resources at his fingertip, for example the border patrol policemen and troops who have been deployed in the area who could pinpoint which territory belongs to who and which territory is still being disputed between Thailand and Cambodia.

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