This is a letter of Mr. Sam Rainsy sent by fax to Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong, a Secretary General of VCP, on February 22, 2011.
Please read clear letter on below.
LG-Media team
Le 22 Février, 2011
Son Excellence Monsieur Nguyen Phu Trong, Secrétaire Général du Parti Communiste du Vietnam
Aux bons soins de L’Ambassade de la République du Vietnam à Phnom Penh
Sam RainsyHanoi
Aux bons soins de L’Ambassade de la République du Vietnam à Phnom Penh
A l’occasion de votre élection comme Secrétaire Général du Parti Communiste du Vietnam lors de la 11èm session du Comité Central je voudrais vous présenter mes salutations les plus sincères.
Je suis persuadé que sous votre juste direction le Parti Communiste du Vietnam donnera les mesures nécessaires aux renforcements communs, des relations d’amitié et de fraternité entre nos deux pays basées sur l’entraide et le respect mutuels.
Veuillez agréer, Excellence, l’expression de mes plus sincères salutations.
Je suis persuadé que sous votre juste direction le Parti Communiste du Vietnam donnera les mesures nécessaires aux renforcements communs, des relations d’amitié et de fraternité entre nos deux pays basées sur l’entraide et le respect mutuels.
Veuillez agréer, Excellence, l’expression de mes plus sincères salutations.
February 22, 2011
His Excellence Mister Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Vietnam
To the good cares of The Embassy of the Republic of the Vietnam to Phnom Penh
At the occasion of your election as General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam on the 11th session of the Central Committee I would like to present to you my utmost sincere greetings.
I am persuaded that under your just direction the Communist Party of Vietnam will give the necessary measures to the common reinforcements of relations of friendship and brotherhood between our two countries which are based on the mutual aid and the mutual respects.
Please accept, Excellence, the expression of my utmost sincere greetings.
To the good cares of The Embassy of the Republic of the Vietnam to Phnom Penh
At the occasion of your election as General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam on the 11th session of the Central Committee I would like to present to you my utmost sincere greetings.
I am persuaded that under your just direction the Communist Party of Vietnam will give the necessary measures to the common reinforcements of relations of friendship and brotherhood between our two countries which are based on the mutual aid and the mutual respects.
Please accept, Excellence, the expression of my utmost sincere greetings.
Sam Rainsy
Parliament Member
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