Monday, January 3, 2011

Activists to rally at border, demanding release of Thai detainees

BANGKOK, Jan 2 (MCOT online news) -- Thailand Patriot Network (TPN) representatives on Sunday gathered at Government House to protest the case of seven Thais detained in Cambodia and announce their plans to rally at the Thai-Cambodian border in Sa Kaeo on Tuesday, aiming to pressure the neighbouring country to release the group.

Chaiwat Sinsuwong and Karun Sai-ngam on Sunday led the civil society activists to gather at the gate of Government House to issue a proclamation on the case of the seven Thais alleged to have trespassed on Cambodian territory last week.

The activists said that the seven Thai nationals who are detained in Prey Sar prison did not intrude onto Cambodian soil but were nonetheless captured by the Cambodian military on charges of illegal entry.

The seven, including Democrat Party member of parliament Panich Vikitsreth, and members of the so-called 'Yellow Shirt' People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) protest movement, were charged by the Phnom Penh Court with illegal entry and illegally entering a military base along the border, crimes carrying penalties of up to six months and one year, respectively.

To support the announcement, the activists displayed documents showing the border area at Boundary Marker No. 46, where the seven Thais were detained by Cambodia, is located in Thai territory and belongs to a Thai villager who has paid land tax to the Thai authorities.
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