Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Concern over new border protest

Mon, Jan 03, 2011
The Nation/Asia News Network

[Thai Foreign Ministry spokesman Thani Thongphakdee] said the Royal Survey Department and Foreign Ministry officials had inspected the disputed area and confirmed that the seven Thais were on Cambodian soil.
A nationalist group plans to stage a protest against Cambodia today near the border in Sa Kaew province over the arrest of seven Thais last week, including a Democrat MP.

The Thai Patriots Group, a faction that split with the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), claims that Democrat MP Panich Vikitsreth and six other Thais, including PAD member Veera Somkwamkid, were arrested on Thai soil - so they will demand that Cambodian authorities release them immediately.

Thai police and troops are expected to block the group from getting close to the border and limit any negative impact on bilateral relations.

Panich, Veera and five other Thais were arrested last Wednesday while visiting Thai villagers near the Sa Kaew border.
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