Tuesday, January 4, 2011

[PAD] Activists urged to avoid further conflict, not rally at Cambodian border

BANGKOK, Jan 3 (MCOT online news) – Both the Foreign Ministry and the Army Region 1 commander on Monday urged the yellow-clad activists of the Thailand Patriot Network not to rally tomorrow at the border, saying the move could sabotage talks between Thai and Cambodian authorities over the release of seven detained Thai nationals.

Chavanond Intarakomalyasut, secretary to the Thai foreign minister, spoke in response to the news that the so-called ‘patriots’ would protest tomorrow at Sa Kaeo province over the arrest of seven Thais by Cambodian soldiers as they inspected the border.

The seven, including Democrat Party member of parliament Panich Vikitsreth, and members of People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) movement, were charged in a Phnom Penh Court with illegal entry and illegally entering a military base, crimes with penalties of up to six months and one year.
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